Evelyn Polk Green
Project Director
Evelyn Polk Green is the STARNET Region V Project Director. She has been involved in early childhood education for over 35 years, working as a teacher assistant, classroom teacher, resource specialist, coach, and administrator. A graduate of National Louis and Northern Illinois Universities, Evelyn is active in child and adult mental health advocacy. She serves as a member of the Network on Children’s Mental Health Research funded by the MacArthur Foundation and is a past board member and National President of both the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) and CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).
Tareema Jean-Baptiste
Early Childhood Special Education Family
Professional Development Resource Specialist
Tareema Jean-Baptiste is our Family Professional Development Resource Specialist. As a fierce advocate for her oldest son, who is autistic and epileptic, Tareema uses diligence, intelligence, and an untiring drive to make sure he receives everything under the law entitled to him. She is passionate about sharing what she has learned with others, hopefully helping them on their journey. Prior to her position with Star Net Chicago, Tareema was a Programs Manager for the Neighborhood Parents Network (NPN). In this role, she focused on developing and implementing family-centered programs that promote inclusivity and support for all families. Affectionately nicknamed "The Connector" by her friends and family, she is excited to share creative, equitable, and inclusive ways for all families to connect throughout the city. Tareema and her family, including her husband and 3 children, live in Chicago's Hyde Park/Kenwood neighborhood.